Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thanks for the warning...

I had my 36 week check up yesterday. I would first like to say thank you to all of my baby having friends for all of your advice, opinions, tips and suggestions to this point in the pregnancy. Having said that, YOU COULD HAVE WARNED ME!

First, I had to have the Strep B test done. For those of you who have not experienced it, this is a normal test to see if you carry the Strep bacteria in your "down there" area. It's not a big deal-some women do, some don't. Sometimes you may carry it during one pregnancy and not during the next. The doctor just needs to know so they can give you antibiotics during delivery. Basically, the doctor stuck a DRY q-tip in (and not into my ear) and swirled it around a couple of times. OUCH! This visit couldn't get worse--Right?

Then, she said that she was going to check my dialation and such. Ok--I'm excited. I want to know if things are getting going or not. --Here's where the warning would have been useful--Granted-Mom you did attempt to warn me, but it was one comment and was not made out to be that bad. I thought I was going to throw up. That really really really hurt.

But I did find that I am 1cm dialated, 25% effaced, he is at a -1 station, very much head down and the cervix is getting really good and soft. So, that's good--we are beginning the progression!
So, to anyone who has not yet had a baby--the "checking" is not even close to comfortable. In fact, it hurts worse than anything I have had happen so far. I know that there is more pain to come--but I have been warned about that!


  1. SO Sorry I didn't mention this - but not to be the bearer of bad news - but thats gonna be the last thing you remember after a few contractions... oh - and if that was painful for you - "just say no" to stripping!! Hurts like hell and didn't do me a bit of good! I cried the whole way home after the next appt when there was no progress!

    Hang in there sister! It will all be a fuzzy memory when you get your angels in your arms!!!

  2. I'm sorry you didn't "get the whole picture". But, I didn't want you to be worrying about the check up and make your blood pressure worse! However, I agree with Krystal...after delivery...
    I love you and I promise it is sooo totally worth all the pain,discomfort, everything:)

  3. the craziest thing about pregnancy are the things that suddenly seem to some to be appropriate. Walking up and touching a strange woman's belly is usually considered assault - but that didn't stop a few weirdos at grocery stores trying to touch Rachel's belly button...

    And then there's all the talk about dialation, cervical softening, mucus plugs...where are the censors when you need them???? You people are disgusting...
