Monday, March 23, 2009

I would be ok with prayers...

So, I know that my due date is still technically 2 1/2 weeks away. I know that Kaleb will come when he is ready. I know that I do not want him here too early (or as Mom puts it "we don't want him doughy"). However, I would be ok with everyone beginning to pray for this pregnancy to come to an end!! I feel that Kaleb is completely ready to be on the outside. I am afraid that he will soon get too comfortable and (with the stubborness he has surely inherited from his father) will never want to come out! If I didn't have to go to work it may be one thing. But having to sit at work today has proven, at least to me, that I am not that strong! I am afraid that 2 more weeks of this will have me soooo exhausted that the actual birth will be impossible. Because my stupid substitute doctor did not check me last week, I have no idea what progress I had made.

I do know, however, that:

I can not sleep on the same side for longer than 1-2 hours at a time or I will wake to a terrible shooting pain down that side of my body.

I cannot sit with my legs even close to together. I feel very un-ladylike!

When I sit with my legs apart for more than 10 minutes it takes a good 30 seconds to get them to go back together in order to walk.

I feel as though there is a bowling ball between my legs and on top of my bladder.

There is a sharp, shooting pain in my "down there" area when I try to walk.

The indigestion is now not soothed by eating.

My lower back aches and aches and aches...

I feel like it is the day before that "time of the month" everyday!!

So, again I ask for your prayers. First that Kaleb will be healthy, that I will be able to suck it up and make it, but most of all-that he will choose to arrive VERY VERY soon!!


  1. We're praying Baby, we're praying!
    Love You,

  2. Oh Tiff...I'm SO will be over soon. I know everyone says, "No one's ever been pregnant forever," but it's so hard not to think that surely YOU will be the one to make history when you're so miserable!

    Two days before I was scheduled to be induced with Josiah, I decided that there was absolutely no way I would ever be able to wait that long. I picked up Micah's balls one by one that day, and then while he was scattering them for me to do it again, I "ran" laps around the water broke that night. You wanna borrow him? :)

  3. Oh honey - you will forget all of this I promise. Just take deep breaths and know that it cannot last forever!

    We love you and are always praying for you!

    It should be illegal to let you go past your due day - watching your due date come and go is really the pits!!
