Monday, January 26, 2009

Silver linings...?

As most of you know, Kaleb has had me on a pretty strict eating schedule. I need to eat breakfast by 7, a snack by 10, lunch at noon, another snack by 3, and dinner by 6. If I get off on any of these my dear friend indigestion comes to visit. I have gotten really good about bringing snacks to work (at least for one of my two snack times) and Kevin always packs me a lunch. This way I can afford to eat enough throughout the day! However, sometimes I forget my snack or it just doesn't sound good. Then I know that I can always count on my two trusty fallbacks. Because I work in a store that has a mini convenience store inside, I am able to get my banana nut muffin and chex mix whenever I want.

Well, today was a fallback day. I had forgotten to pack snacks, and was really wanting the sweet and salty combination of my muffin and chex mix. I ventured upstairs, indigestion quickly burning a hole in my chest, only to find that we had sold out of both. BOTH??? how could this happen? Otis Spunkmeyer delivers every week. Michael ( who orders our convenience) always does such a good job keeping us stocked. HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? So, I sadly settled for a fried apple pie and pretzels and made my way to checkout. When there he was...Michael. I sternly asked him how he could have let this happen? Expecting his usual sarcastic come back, I was completely blown away when he apologized and explained about some ordering mishaps...taking full responsibility. He then went on to ask which flavors of the two items were my favorites to ensure that he didn't let this happen again. I hearing this correctly? Then it hit me...a good thing about being pregnant. He felt sorry for me! He knew how important it was to get the exact thing that I was craving. Wow...maybe being pregnant is not all that bad. ( it's only taken 7 months for this to happen) Of course, I'm sure I was a pitiful sight. Tired, big bellied me, waddling up to the cash register with two snacks and yet complaining because they weren't what I wanted. I was screaming for someone to take pity! I seriously thank you Lord for sending me this silver lining!

I am beginning to think that I should have started this blog a long time ago. After two days I am already noticing so many more good things about being pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I am still your resident no rainbows and sunsine pregers, but I am starting to see some of the good.
(of course as I am completing this post old mister indigestion is roaring...time for another snack)


  1. How sweet of Michael to try to make sure he has the snack you are wanting this week. Lets just hope Kaleb doesn't decide to "not" like muffins now.:)
    Yay! I love that you have noticed even more good about being prego. Can't wait to hear about em.
    love you bunches, Give Kaleb a little pat from Gammie! muah

  2. Another good thing about you starting a blog is that there are going to be lots of people who can now extend sympathy to you. I am worried though. I'm afraid it'll make you soft.

    So let me tell you how funny it was to picture you waddling around wailing about chex mix!!!! And I'm a little disappointed in Michael...

    Just kidding (sorta) - I'm glad you've got an outlet to begin finding some silver linings. Isn't great to have two brothers who make sure you don't forget that every silver lining has a cloud?

  3. Yup, people do tend to be nicer when you've got a freakin' huge belly. (Not necessarily saying YOURS is huge, just admitting that MINE always was!) But just wait -- it doesn't end when the baby's born. People keep on being nice when they see you walking into the store with a baby in a carseat and a diaper bag. They open the doors, get the grocery cart for you, sometimes even help you get the toddler in. People let you in traffice more often when you're driving a mini-van full of carseats, and pick stuff up off the floor when you're holding a baby. Keep looking for those silver linings, girlie! And keep on blogging. It's the best and cheapest therapy I've found!! :)
