Sunday, January 25, 2009

And so I begin...

So, after months of contemplating, I am finally going to take on the world of blogging! I must say that I am a little intimidated. My sister-in-law, Rachel, has pretty much the best blog ever, and I am nervous to follow in her footsteps! But here goes!

I thought I would start my blogging with making certain that we all understand that I am not one of those 'rainbows and smiles' pregnant ladies! Yes, I love the fact that there is a little life growing inside of me, and yes everytime he moves I get excited... well almost every time! However, the overall feeling of being pregnant is...ughhh.

I have seen beautiful pregnant ladies all my life. Glowing, beautiful skin, healthy hair and all smiles. When I look into the mirror I see dry skin, hair that I really don't feel like fixing, and the scowl of indigestion. And do I mean INDIGESTION! As I have often times joked, if the old wives tales are correct, I am going to give birth to a 14 pound monkey.

Of course it could be much much worse. I have always been 'blessed' in the chest and rear areas. I have known this my whole life (thanks to my lovely brothers!) I always feared the worst when imagining myself pregnant. You always hear of women who really blow up in those two areas. If that were going to happen to me...well... I might as well take to bed rest during the first trimester. There would be absolutely no way my size 7 1/2 feet would be able to support my 42 triple Z chest and quadruple plus sized hips. Not to mention, where would I find the money for custom made clothes? My Dad always talks about getting a mu-mu from Omar the tent maker...did he really exist? and how could he be reached?

But, God spared me. I guess he knew that I wasn't really going to be able to handle a lot of the other pregnancy issues, so he cut me some slack! I have not gained any weight in either of those two areas!! Of course I do still have two 1/2 months to go! But really, weight has been the least of my worries. Not only was my biggest fear spared by our Most Loving Lord, but so was my husband's. Although he has never come right out and said it, I know that Kevin was terrified that I would become the psycho pregnant lady with hormones racing. Crying, screaming and laughing all withing five minutes. Especially when you take into consideration my usual temperament. But again, we were spared! My hormones have been normal (for me), and besides a little crankiness that comes with being exhausted, I have been quite pleasant. (and that's according to him--not my imagination--I promise!)

Overall, I really have had a perfect pregnancy. As far as the books go. Kaleb and I have both passed all of the blood and glucose tests. According to the doctor, he is growing right on track...although I am not convinced that he is not curled into a much tighter ball and is actually twice the size that he should be...all of that said, I am still not the happy go lucky, let's be pregnant for the next 18 years type.

Well, I did it. I made it through one post! I know it's a little long, but wow, once you start you really cannot stop! While writing this I have already began forming my next three or four posts! I hope that this kind of gives you some insight into my world and what is to come!


  1. Hooray! I was wondering when you would start a blog, little Ms English major!! I love your background -- it's so very you. And I love, love, love your title.

    Glad you're feeling mostly good, hope the taste of Tums doesn't eventually make you sick, Kaleb we just can't wait to meet you, and we're glad that we've got someone to pass the hand-me-downs to!!

  2. Oh, and don't be silly -- there's no need to be nervous about following in the footsteps of The Wells Brothers. They are my primary source of material, and I'm sure Kaleb will provide you with all you need! (If not, send him over to play for a few days -- my guys will teach him everything you were hoping he wouldn't figure out yet!)

  3. Yay!!!! I love it! And yes, Rach does leave some mighty big "blogging-shoes" to fill.
    Give Kaleb a pat from Gammie:) we love you

  4. wow left so many doors standing wide open there...

    So far I've set aside comments about certain celebrity, battery-powered rabbits...

    comments about crankiness and not being rainbow...anything...

    comments about scowling in general...

    But, I'll let them all slide because you're pregnant! Great blog, great post - very funny. Glad you're blogging.

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I miss my long lost bff so much - and finally I can feel like I'm still apart of your world!

    Addicting isn't it?

    I love you - your preggo pic is beautiful! I am so excited for you guys I can hardly see straight! You're going to be an amazing mommy!

    Lets set a date for February! Jax and I will come see you and we can all get pedicures (well not all of us).
