So, it's been a while! I don't want to get anyone's hopes up that this post is going to lead to more consistant posting, but I do want you to know that I think about posting a lot! I logged in just to change my background so Mom would quit complaining, and started reading the posts from just before I had Kaleb.'s funny how much you forget! The best thing was reading a post from the Monday before I gave birth on Friday. It was good to look back and remember that I was experiencing the same things then as I am now. However, I have been experiencing all of them for much longer now!
Kallie will be here is 25 days. Wow. That seems like a good amount of time, but it really isn't! Another post I read from the month prior to Kaleb, was about how prepared I was for him to arrive. More than a month in advance, I already had everything organized, decorated and ready. Less than a month to go with Kallie and well, let's just say this weekend needs to be VERY productive!
My list of ailments is still very similar!
-not sleeping consistantly through the night
-sharp, shooting pains through my hips
-sharp, shooting pains through my "down there area"
-shortness of breath
-swollen ankles
-lower back achiness
Basically, I am not sure that there is a part of me that does not hurt!
But, it is all going to be worth it! I know I said that a lot (as everyone does) while I was pregnant with Kaleb, but I am not sure that I was convinced back then! Luckily, this time I know that it is true! I cannot wait to hold sweet baby Kallie!