First--pretend as though I am writing this on Wednesday night and not Thursday morning...
Kaleb is 2 months old!! We had our 2 month checkup today! I am happy to report that Kaleb is VERY healthy. He weighs a whopping 12 lbs 7 oz--which puts him the 75th percentile--and is 24 in long--which puts him in the 90th percentile!! Needless to say, Kevin was very proud!! But, along with measurements, the 2 month checkup means shots...:( Kaleb, although he screamed the worst scream I've ever heard, took them like a champ. About one minute of screaming, then sound asleep!
So what have we learned in our first two months?
*sleep is highly over rated
*Daddy's are good with smiles, bad with screams
*work is highly over rated (do we really need two incomes?)
*Even better than seeing your baby smile for the first time is seeing your husbands face when he smiles at his for the first time!
*ALWAYS approach the diaper "side peek" with caution
*Sometimes, you just have to let them cry
*Things that used to be such high priorities, just aren't anymore. (showering, brushing your teeth, eating...)
I promise to get better at blogging soon. I know that I have been slacking! Between going back to work and getting our house and being at Mom's with her SLOW connection, it just hasn't been working...I will get better!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Kaleb is so much more aware of his surroundings these days! He has started smiling more now, and it is very obviously not related to gas! (although he does a lot of that too!) We have our two month check up next week, so we'll have the doctor's measurements, but by our scale our little man is a whopping 11.5 lbs!
Here are some cute pics from today!

He is smiling so good in this one--I had it rotated when I uploaded it--why is it not rotated anymore?
Here are some cute pics from today!
He is smiling so good in this one--I had it rotated when I uploaded it--why is it not rotated anymore?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Ava Grace
Well, she has arrived. Our friends Sam and Kinsey Johnson welcomed the beautiful Ava Grace into our world at 8:04 Sunday night. She weighed 7 lbs and was 19 in. What a GREAT Mother's Day gift!
She is the spitting image of her father!!
I knew that Kaleb was going to look big next to her, but I never dreamed just how big he would look! While he wasn't ever quite as small as her, he was close--just a short 6 weeks ago! Even now, without Ava next to him, he looks so big! He is no longer my little curled up newborn. Man how time does fly!
Kaleb was very excited to meet his new friend and future bride! He even went prepared with a conversation starter!
While they may not actually get married, they will always be friends. What a sweet keepsake this will be! They already look like the perfect match...they can nap together forever!!
On the Kaleb front...not only is he growing so much in size (we are wearing a good bit of 3 month clothing--at 6 weeks), but also in intelligence and and skills! He is getting VERY good at holding up his head. In fact, it is pretty rare that we have to hold it while holding him upright. He is working very hard on keeping his head up while laying on his tummy...and if the tv is in front of him he does a really good job! He is getting really strong with his legs and is already putting some good strength behind his pushing--I think he is going to give Joey a run for his money on the diapering--I am going to have to quickly master Rachel's technique! He is becoming more and more alert everyday and has started cooing more and more! Those of you who haven't seen him in a while will be amazed at the difference! I cannot believe how fast this is all happening!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Don Johnson...step aside!
I love having a baby. Not just for the usual reasons, but because he gives me hours of entertainment as my living doll! Getting to play dress up is, and always has been, one of my favorite things to do. So, naturally, I am going to dress him up any chance I get. Below is part of his outfit for Adam and Caroline's wedding. (He, of course, will have on a white dress shirt) I wanted to try the tux on him to see how big it was going to be and this is the result!

I think he is the next big star of an early '90s remake of some Don Johnson show! Isn't he handsome!!
I think he is the next big star of an early '90s remake of some Don Johnson show! Isn't he handsome!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
He IS my child!!!
After Kaleb's morning and afternoon feeding he usually likes to lay in the floor and play (or watch tv). I usually start off letting him kind of zone out for a few minutes (much like Kevin does after eating!) while I pick stuff up or get out the toys we are going to be playing with. The other day we were having "zone out" time like normal when I heard him screaming at the top of his lungs. This wasn't his 'i lost my pacifier' or 'i am ready for you now mom' or even his 'i want to be rolled over' scream. This was more of an 'i am REALLY hurt' scream. I rushed over to him to find this-

He was screaming because his hair was being pulled. Unfortunately, there was no other culprit than himself! After pulling his hand out of his hair (he immediately stopped screaming) I began to watch him. He would start by playing with his hair which then would lead to him closing his fist, which would lead to him pulling, and thus screaming!! What can I say-I passed along the 'play with you hair' gene, just not the accompanying 'don't pull your own hair' gene! With so much of his personality being like Kevin, it is nice to know that he IS my child too!
He was screaming because his hair was being pulled. Unfortunately, there was no other culprit than himself! After pulling his hand out of his hair (he immediately stopped screaming) I began to watch him. He would start by playing with his hair which then would lead to him closing his fist, which would lead to him pulling, and thus screaming!! What can I say-I passed along the 'play with you hair' gene, just not the accompanying 'don't pull your own hair' gene! With so much of his personality being like Kevin, it is nice to know that he IS my child too!
Friday, May 1, 2009
YAY me!
Well, I did it! After nearly five weeks of being a mother, we (me and Kaleb only) finally made a day full of errands alone! I have been EXTREMELY blessed to have Mom around to help out, and since I could not drive, to drive me places during the day while Kevin's at work. I decided though, that it had been long enough and if I put the carseat in the car, then carried him out to the car, and just carried him into places, (I am still not supposed to lift anything other than him) then I could do it on my own! And I did!
I managed to get me a shower, Kaleb a bath, Kaleb fed and both of us dressed, waited while the air conditioner man fixed out leak, packed the diaper bag and out the door we went! We went to the bookstore for a short visit, went by the bank and met Aunt Kelly for lunch! All between feeding times--well, we ended up feeding him in Kelly's car instead of going on home--we still had things to talk about!! And, we made it home just as Kevin came in from work! Yay me!!
I did have one more errand to run, so Kevin made it with me. I needed to get fitted for the bridesmaid dress for Kelly's wedding. I only mention it because we got out of the car and I started inside and noticed that Kevin was following me. I looked at him and he quickly said, "Oh right-the baby!"
Not only was today a yay me day because of errand running sans Gammie, but I also made another BIG step in being a Mommy. Kaleb had just gotten calm and comfortable on Kevin's tummy when we decided we needed to go and get something to eat because we had nothing at the house for dinner. Kevin suggested that I run to McDonalds while he stayed at home with Kaleb...what? Why couldn't he run to get the food and I stay at home with MY baby? Or, why couldn't we all go? I made more sense for me to go. They were SO comfy and Kaleb had already been in and out of his car seat a lot. So, I did it. It was only 10 minutes, but it seemed like 10 hours. But, I left the house without Kaleb. I left him alone with Kevin...not sure which one was worse! But, I got back home and all was the same. They hadn't even moved. Yay me!
I managed to get me a shower, Kaleb a bath, Kaleb fed and both of us dressed, waited while the air conditioner man fixed out leak, packed the diaper bag and out the door we went! We went to the bookstore for a short visit, went by the bank and met Aunt Kelly for lunch! All between feeding times--well, we ended up feeding him in Kelly's car instead of going on home--we still had things to talk about!! And, we made it home just as Kevin came in from work! Yay me!!
I did have one more errand to run, so Kevin made it with me. I needed to get fitted for the bridesmaid dress for Kelly's wedding. I only mention it because we got out of the car and I started inside and noticed that Kevin was following me. I looked at him and he quickly said, "Oh right-the baby!"
Not only was today a yay me day because of errand running sans Gammie, but I also made another BIG step in being a Mommy. Kaleb had just gotten calm and comfortable on Kevin's tummy when we decided we needed to go and get something to eat because we had nothing at the house for dinner. Kevin suggested that I run to McDonalds while he stayed at home with Kaleb...what? Why couldn't he run to get the food and I stay at home with MY baby? Or, why couldn't we all go? I made more sense for me to go. They were SO comfy and Kaleb had already been in and out of his car seat a lot. So, I did it. It was only 10 minutes, but it seemed like 10 hours. But, I left the house without Kaleb. I left him alone with Kevin...not sure which one was worse! But, I got back home and all was the same. They hadn't even moved. Yay me!
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