Today was a normal day, nothing really big happened. There were no crazy poops. No pee in the face. (There was one spit up incident, but it wasn't a big deal-it was on Kevin!) No crazy screaming. All in all-a pretty uneventful day. So, I thought I'd keep it short and sweet and just post some cute pics from the day.
Daddy was off so Kaleb got some much needed belly time!

Gammie and Poppy came over for a visit.

I think this is a classic picture. It's as if Kaleb is saying "what...?"

And this is how we are doing our hair these days. I call it classy punk! And, if you cannot tell, we are growing very fast! When we weighed Kaleb this afternoon he was a whopping 9lbs 14oz!
I think I hear him beginning to stir. I wonder if I can down a bowl of ice cream and a cookie before he really wakes up? Ahh motherhood...
Aren't uneventful days the best! I love the 2nd pic. Kaleb really does already have his "what?" look down pat! give him a big kiss for me! love ya bunches, me