Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm Back!!

After a 3 week break, I am back to blogging! Oh how I have missed it! I have sooo much that I should have blogged about, but some of us aren't cool and do not have a lap top for comfortable computing!! So, the past three weeks in brief--

-went to the doctor for my 38 week checkup and my water broke during the exam!! Yay for Kaleb 2 weeks early!
-after no epidural and 3 1/2 hours of actual pushing--got the epidural and had a c-section! (please note that if my son had not been soooo stubborn, I would have made it with NO EPIDURAL!!)
-Kaleb arrived on March 27th at 2:39 am. After four days in the hospital--we were all ready to come home!
-Aunt Caroline did an AMAZING job of decorating our car for the trip home and our house for our arrival!
-Mom (thankfully) stayed with us for the next two weeks! (It was a week before I could get on and off the couch by myself)
-We spent the third week at Mom and Dad's running errands, shopping and visiting!

And now we are home! We made it through our first night alone--and it was a piece of cake! We got home from Mom and Dad's around 5:30. Kevin unloaded the car and bathed the dogs while I fed Kaleb and started dinner. Kaleb sat in his swing very sweetly while I got dinner cooked and we ate. The dogs stayed in the kitchen with me, or layed near Kaleb in the living room, but did not bother him!!!!! I was sooo impressed with us! Then, of course, Kaleb had to make sure to bring us back down a little!

I began feeding him around 10pm. He usually works up a really good poop during his feeding, so his grunting was nothing new. Then, about halfway through (actually as I was switching sides) I felt something wet on my hands and his back. That's right--POOP! Soaked through his pjs! Laughing I got up and went to change him. As I undid the diaper I noticed something very strange--there was no poop in the least not in its usual location. I am guessing that his poop must have coordinated coincidentally with the exact timing of my patting his hiney or sitting him down to burp, because all of the poop had shot straight up his back!! Kevin had to wipe his back while I held him! There was actually very little poop on his bottom! Then, of course he spit up all over me!!

But we survived! He got clean. He got fed. He went to sleep!

One night down...many thousand to go!

(ps-I am back to blogging, but not quite back to full organization so pictures will come later!)


  1. SO glad your back! Love the poop story - just know your not along... and its not the last time! Just hope it never happens in public - thats lots of fun!

    I love ya and I am so glad I got to see you this weekend - Kaleb is adorable!

  2. My all-time favorite is carseat poop.

    Glad you're back!
