Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bed Rest and No Room at The Inn

I went to the Dr. today and am happy to announce that the baby is well, and I am doing well enough to not be put on bed rest...bummer. Not that I want to be sick or hurting or putting any extra stress on the baby, but I would LOVE to get some doctor demanded "bed rest". You know, the kind where you can't go to work, but are still able to go shopping. I guess I'll have to keep working on it! I'll gladly take any suggestions on how to accomplish this!!

But, my blood count was up A LOT, so the iron supplements are working and I am not becoming more severly anemic. So, that's good!

Kaleb is growing right on schedule (although, I think he's curled into a much tighter ball and is twice the size that he should be right now). I have decided that there is definitely no more room at the inn. I am all full and am not quite sure where else he is going to go. (well, I do still have a little bit of a belly button left to unwind)

I know that there are only 6 weeks left, and a lot of mothers at this point are cherishing the last bit of time they have with the baby all to themselves. However, I am not that greedy! I don't mind sharing him with everyone else if it means that I am not pregnant anymore! I am sooooo ready to be done! I want to hold him on the outside! God really blessed me with 7 1/2 wonderful months that, although I was not all sunshine pregnant girl, I was not uncomfortable or miserable. Now I am pretty much both at all points of the day!

Luckily, I am still not all emotional! So, I guess I still have that...


  1. Hang in there, you're in the home stretch. and yes, the home stretch is just as miserable, if not more so, than the very beginning. Now though, everyone can tell what's wrong, and you can feel that little guy in there moving around, you can almost taste the reward. It'll be here before you know it, and I'll be fighting your mother for a chance to hold him! :)

  2. Oh Sweetie,only 6 short weeks to go. Just think how fast this past months have gone. And hey...at least you look adorable! :) love you, me
