Ok, so I know that this post is a long time coming, but we've been pretty busy! We still don't have internet, so I am trying to get things posted from work!! Anyhow, here's our new house!!
This is us signing our lives away! If you've never bought a home--it's Ridiculous!! There were soooo many papers to sign and most of them said the exact same things.

I thought this looked pretty cool--our house coming down the dirt road!

This is our house in it's final resting place!

Kaleb enjoyed being outside while they set up the house!

He also had a good time playing with Poppy!

This is my FAVORITE part of the house! My BIG bathtub! It's AMAZING!

The second best room in the house! My closet (which has turned into OUR closet)

This is our kitchen from the living room!

And more kitchen!

Our view from the kitchen/dining room windows! So much better than someone else's house, backyard or a street!!! Yay for the country.

Then there's the view from the front. Not as nice ;) Just kidding! It's really great being so close to Mom and Dad--yet still in a separate house!!!

So, this is it. Our new house! There are, of course, more rooms--but I won't bore you with the pics of emptiness! We have actually finally moved in and are almost unpacked! I will get pics of that up as soon as the house is clean!! (If that point in time ever exists!!)
Yay for you!! :)