Daddy was off so Kaleb got some much needed belly time!

He is also wearing 0-3 month clothes and actually filling them out! (Of course, he can wear straight 3 month clothes in length, they are just too wide!)
Kaleb is also beginning to be very interested in moving objects, bright colors and things that jingle! He is doing a great job of lifting and turning his head to follow things! Our other new thing has to do with food! He is a PIG! He recently decided that the four to five hours he was going between nighttime feedings just wasn't enough! He now needs to eat every two hours! Hah-not so much! So, we have started with some cereal in his nighttime bottle! The first night he slept sooo soundly for 5 1/2 hours, then another 6 hours. Kevin is really enjoying getting to feed him his bedtime bottle!
Although it has gone by quickly, this month has taught me many lessons!
1. Keep the poop shoot covered (or be ready with ninja-like reflexes) while changing a diaper. Too much emphasis has been put on the tee-tee!
2. Once you are able to move around and not be medicated, do not expect your husband to change another diaper!
3. Spit up happens!
4. Be very cautious when "peeking" into a diaper from the side! Just because the diaper is there, does not mean that it will protect you if the stars align and the baby poops just as you pull open the side!
5. Any time you brag--be prepared!
6. Sleep is sooo over rated!
7. Baby poop is still poop and you should wash your hands after changing a diaper!
All in all, this has been the best month of my life! Although sleep has not been had, showers are few and far between, I have been pooped on several times and I never want to work again...I would not trade it for the world!
Oh what lies ahead...