I know that maternity leave is an important time to bond with the new baby, but let's be honest, she sleeps a lot!! So, I have gotten to spend some much needed time with Kaleb! He is growing so fast! I cannot believe how smart he is! I am not one of those crazy moms that is forcing education on him, (I have not bought My Baby Can Read...) but we do work in learning while playing. He already knows red, blue, green, and yellow, circle, square, star, triangle, and the letter K- without fail all of the time! He is also beginning to mimic everything we do. The best is when grown ups are talking and laughing and he overly exaggerates the laugh!
I could go on and on, but there is not enough time! So, I have added some pictures to let you know what else he has been up to!
Here he is trying on some of Kallie's clothes ;) He is working on putting on his own pants, so one day, while I was changing Kallie, I heard him say, "I did it" and turned to see this-

Kaleb LOVES his baby sister. Here he is pretending to nap with her!

...teaching her about the trains on Chuggington...

...and talking to her! "Hi Kayi (Kallie)"

One morning, after much laughter from over the monitor, Kaleb came into the living room like this--he wore this "hat" all morning!

Kevin caught the next two pics one morning at breakfast. He had his back to Kaleb and heard him say, "drink". When he turned around this is what he saw!
He is such a big boy! He didn't dump it everywhere--some ran down the chin--but that's the fun of drinking your cereal milk!

This year we went to the Christmas tree farm and cut down our own tree! Here is Kaleb helping daddy cut down our tree! (I HIGHLY recommend this experience to everyone! We got a 7 foot tree for $25.)
and finally, Kaleb was in the Madisonville Christmas Parade! Unfortunately, we didn't get any good pictures of him on the float, but here he is with Grandma Kay and Aunt Nay before!

As I said, he has been one busy boy! (and I have been one tired Mommy!) I am so thankful for this time at such a wonderful age!