This is Krystal & Jax.

Jaxson had soooo many fun toys. I think the biggest hit was his ball pit! Kaleb kept crawling in and out of it all day long. He even just sat in it looking around for a little while. There were so many great picture opportunities with the boys in the ballpit that we could never catch...but here's what I did get.

Jax and Kaleb were really interested in the little tv that showed baby Mason sleeping.

Finally, Mason was up to play! (or lay around smiling!) Kaleb wanted to "pet" him soooo bad!

Jaxson and Kaleb had the best time playing with Jax's 4 wheeler. Jax would push the button and Kaleb would hold on. It was hysterical!

We had such a GREAT time and can't wait for another play date!!