This is Miss Ava~the future Mrs. Kaleb Strong! She is six weeks younger than Kaleb and the daughter of our good friends Sam and Kinsey Johnson. She came over to play a few weeks ago. Both Ava and Kaleb are kept by Gammies, Grandmas or Papas, so they don't get daily interaction with other kids. They played together AMAZINGLY!!

I feel like this picture is 'little kevin' and 'little sam'!

The other day Kevin cleaned out the refridgerator so naturally, Kaleb needed to assist!

Bathtime is reserved for Daddy/Kaleb time. I try to avoid the bathroom (mostly out of fear of what I'll see--Daddies just don't take the same 'care' that mommies do when it comes to babies in water). But on this particular night I couldn't avoid the laughter and calls from Kevin as Kaleb giggled away at his 'bubble beard'!

For Valentine's Day, Kevin's mom (Grandma Kay) offered to babysit while we went out for dinner. When we got home, this is what I saw through the front door! I was able to get inside and get the camera to snap a pic before he moved! (They were watching tv--and no, he never lays still and watches tv with me)
So glad you shared! These are adorable!!! I need some of these for my frames :)