Friday, June 12, 2009

Fun with Poppy!

I am so blessed to be able to leave Kaleb with Gammie and Poppy while Kevin and I are at work. If there was any doubt that he would be well cared for or played with, they are definitely washed away by these pics! I called Mom yesterday on my way home and could hardly hear her over the coos from Kaleb and baby talk from Poppy. You could tell -even over the phone- that they were having a blast! I am actually not sure who was having more fun--Kaleb or Poppy!

Kaleb -who is of course the smartest 2 month old EVER-- has learned some tricks!
One of his favorite things to do is stand up! If he is sitting and you grab his hands--he's going to pull himself up. If you try to keep him from standing up and just pull him up to a sitting position--he screams! He some times stands up so much in one day that his little legs will be shaking!

His other favorite past time is blowing spit bubbles! He's actually gotten pretty good!

I cannot wait to see what other "tricks" he has in store for us!!


  1. That last little trick there...does he get that from his Mommy or Daddy? Glad y'all are having fun!

  2. They were too cute! And ummm, it was a tie on the fun-factor ;)
    Thanks for letting us have the honor and privilage!
    love you bunches,me

  3. He is getting SO big! I think its time for Jax and I to plan another visit! Let me know when you have a free weekend!
