Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh to be a stay at home Mom...

Today was a day I have been dreading. Although it was a Super fun day, I still have been dreading it's coming. I have known all along that it is going to be REALLY hard to go back to work when my maternity leave is over. This is something that I am slowly preparing myself for but not really focusing on. We have had some really fun and relaxing days around our and Gammie's house. We have gone and visited family, we have run errands and we have shopped. But today was different. Today I saw what it would really be like to be a stay at home mom. And I loved it.

I started my morning around 7am with feeding Kaleb and watching the morning news. Then (after pulling the dog thrown up on sheets off the bed and piling them with the dog thrown up on comforter from earlier in the morning and putting the dogs back outside) I gathered stuff up and managed to get the baby into his vibrating seat and position him outside the bathroom door where I could see him, I took a shower. I then finished getting dressed, got Kaleb dressed, (including his hair brushed!) got him into his swing and picked some stuff up around the house. This all by 8:30 and the arrival of Gammie and Micah! (However, I am not sure that I remembered to brush my teeth...hmm...) Then, we gathered the boys and took them to "The Bounce".
For those of you who do not follow my sister-in-law's blog (which you should!), the bounce is a place in College Station where they have those big blow up obstacle course/bounce/slide things. My nephews LOVE it. I know that Kaleb is too small for it now, but I could see myself taking him there to play... during the week...between the hours of 8 and 5...reading a book and enjoying his smiling face running around. Maybe we'd have playdates there with other stay at home moms and their happy kids...uh ohh...this was the moment. This is when I realized that I DO NOT want to go back to work. I would be such a good stay at homer. Why can't we win the lottery...? Oh well. I'll at least enjoy it while I can!
Not only did we go to the bounce, but today was Kaleb's first trip to Chuck E. Cheese. I have added pictures of all the action!
Here's Daddy enjoying Chuck E. Cheese...

Here's Kaleb enjoying Chuck E. Cheese...


Kaleb... get the picture?

Of course, since Kaleb is too small, Poppy was there to play with Kevin!

Although today made me see how hard going to work is really going to be, it was a great day! What a great family I have!

(oh, and so far no crazy poops! of course, the night is still young!)


  1. I'm so glad you guys had a good day! The amazing days make up for the long nights!

  2. Yay! Baby boy blue background, Mommy stories -- you have a real Mommy blog! Hurray for The Bounce and Chuck E Cheese...and poop that stays in the diaper! And you may not get to be stay-at-home mom, but Kaleb is certainly getting the next best thing in his Gammie. Glad you're to the point that you can really start enjoying.
