Thursday, March 12, 2009

Surprise Shower!

Tuesday was a typical icky feeling day for me! I got to work feeling like I was going to throw-up, my lower abdomen was all achy and (due to Kaleb's dropping) my shirt wasn't long enough and my pants wouldn't stay up!! Great day!!

I continued moping around the store--trying to stay awake! Holley (my store manager) had sent out an email that she would be using the break room for training from 8-10:30. Great! That meant no access to water. I usually drink several cups in the morning. (It's nutritionally necessary and a great time waster!!) My baby brain is really bad because even though she was supposed to be "training" Holley was on the sales floor and in her office all morning. (I should have caught that!) Then there were the weird looks from people every time I walked into the back room. (Never clicked that they were afraid I was going to catch them being sneaky)

At about 10:40 someone called my desk and asked me to bring Holley some more pens for her training group. Ughhhh! Why me? The pens are under the counter--I had to bend all the way over--painfully--to reach them. Then, as I am approaching the break room door I think, why is she still in training? And why is she still hiring people? We are cutting everyone's hours right now...she was supposed to be done at 10:30...she better not still be in here at noon when I need to eat my lunch...

Then I opened the door.

To my COMPLETE surprise all of the other managers, Mom and Kelly were gathered around an adorably decorated break room for a surprise baby shower!!

There were snacks and cake...

even my own, special for me, strawberry cake...

And of course plenty of gifts!

These are all of the pics that I have, although they hardly do the party justice! You guys are just too great!! I am soooo lucky to have such great friends as co-workers!! This definitely perked up my icky achy day!!


  1. FUN! That sweet little Kaleb is already so loved, and we haven't even gotten to meet him yet!

  2. And your friends were so sweet to include me! thanks guys!!!!! It was soooo fun!
